The Dogefather

Elon Musk first tweeted "the Dogefather" on April 20, 2021, ahead of his appearance on "Saturday Night Live," sparking increased interest in Dogecoin. Now, as the DOGEFATHER, Elon continues to push content on X about the Department Of Government Efficiency (D.O.G.E.), indicating his ambition to lead the Dogecoin movement.
In this bull run, the DOGEFATHER is emerging as the number one sympathy play on DOGE, and with Donald Trump potentially winning the election with Musk by his side, their influence could shape the future of DOGE even further.


CA 0x9BcDA9BD845E4bFa7e6a4c012b93f8ba821aC618


Supply: 6,900,000,000 DOGEFATHER
100% Liquidity Burned
0/0 Tax

How to buy $DOGEFATHER

1. Download and Install Metamask

MetaMask is a crypto wallet app used for storing and managing Ethereum tokens. After creating a wallet be sure to write down your recovery phrase on a piece of paper and store it somewhere safe.

2. Purchase some Ethereum

From inside the MetaMask app you can purchase Ethereum using Binance, Coinbase e.t.c by clicking on the buy button

3. Swap Your ETH for $DOGEFATHER

Connect your wallet to Uniswap, input our contract address, set your slippage to 1.5%, and click the swap button!
Buy on Uniswap